Wednesday 27 May 2009

The Influence of the Internet on Daily Life

There are many different types of media in today’s society; television, radio, magazines/newspapers and the internet are just some of them. Every form of media has some way of influencing it’s target audience.

Many people can be influenced by these types of media, and news headlines, celebrity gossip and facts and statistics are constantly being hammered into people’s minds. Television is probably the main form of media which influences people, because nearly everybody watches it at some point or another, and whether they choose to watch the news or a TV show, they may be influenced by something in their chosen programme more often than not. There are magazines and tabloids which may be filled with celebrity gossip, newspapers filled with headlines which may not neccesarily be true, television shows which may have characters who people may be influenced by, and so on.

Apart from the above media, I’d say the internet would be one of the most influencial media around. There are millions of websites on the internet today, and they all contain such a variety of information. There are tons of sites which anybody from around the world, of any age, may view. These days there are children as young as 5 using the internet, mostly just to play educational games. But who says that they can’t get access the websites directed at older audiences? There is very mild protection on the majority of websites, if any. This may cause children to be influenced by anything they read, not only adults. It’s not only children, but teenagers and adults may be easily influenced by the internet aswell. Just like magazines, there are now websites filled with celebrity gossip such as, where anybody could believe anything they hear about celebrities’ lives. There is so much information on the internet today compared to just a few years ago. If the internet can effect people this much now, what is it going to be like in years to come?

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