Thursday 2 April 2009

Seven Pounds (2008)

Directed by: Gabriele Muccino

Certificate: 12A

Starring: Will Smith, Rosario Dawson, Woody Harrelson, Michael Ealy, Barry Pepper, Elpidia Carrillo, Robinne Lee

In a Nutshell
Will Smith plays Tim Thomas, an IRS agent with a emotional secret that keeps the viewer intrigued from the beginning. Thomas takes on an ambitious journey to help change the lives of seven strangers, to make up for whatever sins he has comitted. The reasons why he chooses to help these individuals are clear throughout the film, but how he helps them only becomes clear at the end, and the fact that he falls in love with one of the seven makes the finale a real tearjerker.

What's right with it?
The film goes back and forth to the past and the present of Tim's life, beginning and ending with the present. The story gradually pieces together like a jigsaw, allowing the audience to realise what's going on and having it all suddenly make sense. Once everything begins to piece together, this dramatic film suddenly becomes and emotional love story, revealing Tim's past secret and why he so badly wants to help the lives of seven other people in need. Among these seven people is blind pianist and meat salesman, Ezra Turner (Woody Harrelson) and Emily Posa (Rosario Dawson) a beautiful young woman with a heart disease and a rare blood type. Smith shows great emotion in this unlikely role and really intices the viewer in the story.

What's wrong with it?
Some may find the storyline a little farfetched and depressing, or find that the blossoming love story takes up too much of the running time. However, I personally feel that all of these factors added to the bittersweet storyline with Smith's gripping performance.

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